Meet our Leadership team

Vineet Chaudhary
Exec Director

• 20+ yrs. pharmaceutical & global health industry experience with increasing responsibility & P&L management. Built global teams with multimillion USD budgets and delivered strategic and transformational program management.

• Leadership experience in pharma business planning & restructuring, IT portfolio management, Post Merger Integration, BPR, GxP compliance, IT, Mfg., Quality, PMO, Reg Affairs and Ops

• Proven history for achieving business objectives, building high performance teams, managing risk & collaboration across multi-site/ cultural environments, global stakeholder matrix ecosystem, as well as C-suite interactions.

• A trained Pharmacist and strategy consultant leveraging his passion for execution with collaboration, alignment and risk & budget management across global teams, business unit stakeholders, vendors and consultants.

Sample Experience -

  • Designed Lab informatics strategy and implementation plans for growth for a biotech firm engaging in Intellectual Property asset transfer for R&D.

  • Led and managed Quality and compliance efforts with 50+ multi-vendor teams for a global Pharma's Cyber event recovery efforts with operational excellence & analytics. Provided key guidelines for recovery with regular cadence, SOPs, GxP compliance, quality, clinical and supply chain groups. Authored QAP & QASR that was successfully presented to the FDA. Supported a product recall from the market due to data integrity issues.

  • As global head and Partner at a multi-billion services firm, built the fastest growing global team of 100+ Pharma domain specialists and business worth $30+M annually in Quality & compliance, PV, LIMS, Regulatory Affairs.

  • Global Program Management for Quality & compliance within a 200M+ Clinical Integration Program at one of the largest Payers.

  • Led the development of a 10+ year RIM strategy among multiple vendors to build a cohesive plan for 10-yr Regulatory systems, processes and infrastructure at large global pharma company. Managed efforts for eSubmissions of 12,000+ and growing annual regulatory and market submissions.

  • For a post-merger large Genomic company (TIGR), led the Org Design with new organizational blueprint, structure and design to leverage new size and scale of operations

  • Streamlined Post-Merger Integration (PMI) efforts for the global businesses of 2 large pharma organizations by incorporating quality metrics and KPIs for product and organizational processes.

  • Managed global programs for Data integrity, M&A, Product recalls, lab informatics operations, new product launch registration, ERP and Supply chain etc.